Glock 19 review

Purchasing something using one of the links on this page could get me a commission. Won’t cost you a thing. See for more information. I’ve always been kind of ambivalent about Glock. I’m aware of and respect their reliability and functionality. They’re also ugly, and others are also reliable and functional. Maybe that shouldn’t … Read more

Tommy’s Pistol Pack review

Purchasing something using one of the links on this page could get me a commission. Won’t cost you a thing. I’ve mentioned before, sometimes I like to carry a larger gun when walking. Especially at night, I may want one with a light on it. I normally use my Springfield XDM for this task. It … Read more

What’s the best home defense gun?

Sure, I can jump into this. Everyone else has, and I’m smarter than at least some of them. If you’ve read anything I’ve ever written before, you can probably anticipate my answer: it depends. It’s your situation; plan for that. I, for example, live in a trailer in a trailer park. Very thin walls, single … Read more

Springfield XDM review

Purchasing something using one of the links on this page could get me a commission. Won’t cost you a thing. Today we’re going to talk about the Springfield XDM. Or XD-M. I’ve seen both, but I’m a lousy typist so I’ll probably skip the dash from here on out, even though I think that’s most … Read more

Palmetto State Armory AR-15 pistol kit review

Purchasing something using one of the links on this page could get me a commission. Won’t cost you a thing. As I mentioned in a review the other day, I believe in having multiple options for home defense. Today I’m going to talk about another one. Specifically, my AR-15 pistol. Not rifle; pistol. This particular … Read more

Streamlight TL-Racker review

Purchasing something using one of the links on this page could get me a commission. Won’t cost you a thing. I like options. They make me feel better. In this case, I’m referring to home defense options. There’s been a lot of ink spilled (yes, I know they’re photons now) about the “best home defense” … Read more

Streamlight 66608 Microstream review

Purchasing something using one of the links on this page could get me a commission. Won’t cost you a thing. I’ve mentioned this before, but I think current flashlights are a modern marvel. I was watching an episode of “Star Trek: Voyager” the other day. The crew was in a cave and had these two … Read more

Concealed carry clothing

First, a little housekeeping. COVID sucks. As does the secondary infection that comes along after COVID knocked back your immune system and opened the door for a second infection. So, it’s been a bit since I’ve posted but hope to come back to at least once a week or so now. End housekeeping, now back … Read more