Should you learn to shoot with your support hand?

Silly question. Of course you should. It is a useful skill that really doesn’t take all that long to learn. Note: during this article, and any others, honestly, I’ll use “offhand”, “support hand”, “weak hand”, and “left hand” interchangeably. I’m right-handed. Obviously if you’re left-handed then that last would be “right hand.” I’ve heard people … Read more

Do you carry at home?

You get home from a hard day’s work, running errands, or basically living your life. Part of your routine may be placing your keys or other pocket items in their proper places, maybe changing clothes, and taking your gun off.  Or do you do that last one? Better to have a gun… I’m pretty sure … Read more

So what is the best concealed carry holster?

Purchasing something using one of the links on this page could get me a commission. Won’t cost you a thing. Who knows? The best concealed carry holster is going to vary by person and possibly day to day. My normal carry method is an M&P Shield and an IWB holster. Sometimes I have the Shield … Read more

How do habits form?

Habits? What does that have to do with concealed carry? A lot. If we’re going to carry then we need to do so safely. The way to do that is to form habits to do things correctly without having to think about them. Four rules of gun safety We’ve all seen this before and now … Read more

No manual safety on your carry gun?

There is a lot of debate lately on the usefulness of manual safeties. There is a school of thought that no manual safety is needed. Those who say that have reasons and they’re not too strange (with two exceptions). I just can’t agree with that blanket proscription. Like everything else in the gun world, it … Read more

Concealed carry in your car

I drive a lot. I deliver packages. I deliver people. I also take long driving trips. Think 32+ hours travel time. Each of those is a slightly different challenge. And maybe you do none of those things: you’re just driving to work, school, doing errands, or any of the other normal things people do in … Read more

Concealed Carry Off Body, a good idea?

Off body concealed carry is somewhat controversial. There are people that seem to treat it as if it’s the next best thing as just handing your gun to a criminal. And to be honest, there’s some potential truth to that. Still, if that’s the only way to carry a gun in your situation you have … Read more

Best concealed carry methods for big guys (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this topic I basically went through methods that were some form of IWB carry. I’ll expand out to others in this section. Criteria I’ll also relist the criteria I use for my holsters. Accessibility. If you need your gun you need it in your hand, not in the holster. Concealibility. The … Read more